The purpose of this review is to update the key findings from the scientific literature that provide explanations
for many of the reported and analyzed adverse effects associated with the spike-based COVID-19 vaccination.
An overwhelming body of evidence supports the main mode of action of spike-based COVID-19 vaccines,
namely the downregulation of ACE2 by spikes. Direct spike effects, synergisms and RAAS-independent
responses complement and multiply the already deleterious effects on tolerability.
It has been repeatedly confirmed that the SARS-CoV spike protein alone is not only able to downregulate
ACE2, but also to induce cell fusion, activation of TLR4, of co-receptors and gastrointestinal responses. The
systemic and long-lasting detection of spikes after vaccination disproves the claimed regionally limited and
short-lasting spike production and efficacy.
The exceptionally broad spectrum, frequency and severity of the reported ADRs associated with spike-based
COVID-19 vaccination exceed the known level of conventional vaccinations.
According to ADR analyses, the spike-based vaccines possess an unacceptable class-specific, unique ADR/side
effect profile.
From a pharmacological point of view, spikes are highly active substances, but not harmless antigens. For this
reason, they are not appropriate for preventive immunization to avoid comparatively harmless infections.
07.02.2024: Impact of SARS-CoV-2 spike efficacy on tolerability of spike-based Covid-19 Vaccinations
The purpose of this review is to update the key findings from the scientific literature that provide explanations for many of the reported and analysed adverse effects associated with the spike-based Covid-19 vaccination.
Principle results:
An overwhelming body of evidence supports the main mode of action of spike-based Covid-19 vaccines, namely the downregulation of ACE2 by spikes. Direct spike effects, synergisms and RAAS-independent responses complement and multiply the already deleterious effects on tolerability.
It has been repeatedly confirmed that the SARS-CoV spike protein alone is not only able to downregulate ACE2, but also to induce cell fusion, activation of TLR4, of co-receptors and gastrointestinal responses. The systemic and long-lasting detection of spikes after vaccination disproves the claimed regionally limited and short-lasting spike production and efficacy.
The production volume of spikes, their dependencies and the non-neutralised spike proportion have so far remained unknown for unknown reasons.
The exceptionally broad spectrum, frequency and severity of the reported side effects associated with spike-based Covid-19 vaccination exceed the known level of conventional vaccinations.
According to my side effect analyses, the spike-based vaccines possess an unacceptable class-specific, unique side effect profile.
From a pharmacological point of view, spikes are highly active substances, but not harmless antigens. For this reason, they are not appropriate for preventive immunisation to avoid comparatively harmless infections.
10 November, 2023: The Global and Specific Cardiovascular Burden of Spike- Based COVID-19 Vaccination
The spectrum of side effects of spike-based COVID-19 vaccines is broader and more severe than generally recognised. Adverse cardiovascular events convincingly reflect the mode of action of the spikes, namely the downregulation of the cardiovascular protective angiotensin-converting enzyme 2
(ACE2), which leads to an increase in harmful angiotensin II concentrations and the associated consequences. A fundamental re-evaluation of the benefit-risk assessment of these novel vaccines is mandatory. Healthcare professionals should be educated about the consequences of spike-induced ACE2 downregulation, the resulting symptoms and therapeutic options.
31.08.2023: The global and specific cardiovascular burden of spike-based Covid-19 Vaccination
Aims: The aim of this investigation was to determine whether the global and cardiovascular burden associated with spike-based Covid-19 vaccination has continued to increase.
Methods and results: An updated analysis of spontaneously reported individual cases with ADRs and their fatal outcomes associated with Covid-19 vaccines, as well as adverse cardiovascular events caused by the spike-inducing vaccine Tozinameran, was performed.
Data were retrieved from the EudraVigilance web reports of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). All evaluated adverse events correspond to the search terms of the EudraVigilance based on clinical characterisation.
The total number of individual cases (n=2256506; i.e. 2338/day) with adverse effects that were fatal in 2.3% (n=51740; i.e. 54 deaths/day), as well as the wide range of reports of cardiovascular adverse effects, have revealed the unusual magnitude and specificity of these events.
Tachycardia, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation/flatter, bradyarrhythmia and impaired stimulus formation and conduction (n=57438 combined) dominated the cardiovascular side effect profile of Tozinameran, followed by blood pressure increase (n=25907), myo-/pericarditis (n=23775), heart failure, cardiomyopathy, cardiac flatter/fibrillation, cardiac arrest, circulatory collaps (n=16778 combined) and coronary artery disease/myocardial infarction (n=9912). The importance of acute cardiovascular reactions is underlined by the fact that deaths caused by them accounted for at least one third (35%) of all deaths associated with Tozinameran’s side effects
Based on individual assessment, ARBs are currently recommended in the treatment of spike-induced symptoms.
Conclusions: The spectrum of side effects of spike-based Covid-19 vaccines is more extensive and severe than is generally known, Adverse cardiovascular events convincingly reflect the mode of spike action, namely down-regulating of the cardiovascular protective enzyme ACE2 resulting in increasing Ang II concentrations. A fundamental re-evaluation of the benefit-risk assessment of these novel vaccines is mandatory. Health professionals should be educated about the consequences of spike-induced ACE2 downregulation, the resulting symptoms and therapeutic options.
18.08.2023: SARS-CoV-2-Spike Interactions with the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System - Consequences of Adverse Reactions of Vaccination -
The protective Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) – essential part of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS) – is the target receptor for its physiological ligands Angiotensin I and II (Ang I/II) as well as for SARS-CoViruses and – spikes. It mediates Ang II degradation and is the precondition for SARS-CoVirus cell entry, spike-induced adverse reactions, and cytotoxic cell fusion. In spike-induced ACE2 downregulation, Ang II degradation is reduced with the consequence of increasing Ang II concentrations; the counter-regulatory protective Ang 1-7/AT2R/MAS axis is impaired.
The presented analysis provides a substantial body of evidence for the causal involvement of Ang II/activated RAAS in eliciting adverse reactions after application of spike-based vaccine. As an example, some serious organ disturbances or adverse reactions, in which the connection with an activated RAAS is obvious (cardiovascular and blood coagulation disorders, disorders of the nervous and muscular system, inflammatory reactions, auto-immunological, vascular and renal disorders), are presented and discussed.
Only a consistent refraining from any unfavorable influence on the highly complex RAAS enables harm avoidance. To limit or repair harm that has already occurred, RAAS inhibitors or recombinant ACE2 or ACE2 activators are suitable for spike-related symptoms. Based on individual assessment, the preference is currently for ARBs. An individualized approach depending on symptoms, individual conditions and differentiated diagnostics is essential.
24.6.2023: SARS-CoV-2-Spike-Interaktionen mit dem Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron-System
Das protektive Angiotensin-Konversions-Enzym 2 (ACE2) – essentieller Bestandteil des Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron-Systems (RAAS) – ist Zielrezeptor sowohl für seine physiologischen Liganden Angiotensin I und II (Ang I/II), wie auch für SARS-CoViren und -Spikes. Es vermittelt den Abbau von Ang II und ist Voraussetzung für den SARS-CoVirus-Zelleintritt, für spike-ausgelöste Nebenwirkungen und die zytotoxische Zellfusion. Bei einer spike-bedingten ACE2-Funktionsbeeinträchtigung/Downregulation wird der Abbau von Ang II reduziert mit der Folge steigender Ang II-Konzentrationen; die gegenregulatorisch wirksame, protektive Ang 1-7/AT2R/MAS-Achse wird eingeschränkt.
Die vorliegende Analyse liefert eine Reihe von Beweisen für die kausale Involvierung von Ang II bzw. eines aktivierten RAAS in die Auslösung unerwünschter Reaktionen nach spike-induzierender mRNA-Applikation. Beispielhaft werden einige gravierende Organschädi-gungen bzw. Nebenwirkungen, bei denen der Zusammenhang mit einem aktivierten RAAS offenkundig ist (Herz-Kreislauf-Schädigungen, Blutgerinnungsstörungen, Störungen des Nerven-und muskulären Systems, Entzündungsreaktionen, auto-immunologische, vaskuläre, renale und metabolische Störungen), vorgestellt und diskutiert.
Nur eine konsequente Unterlassung jeglicher ungünstiger Einflußnahme auf das hochkomplexe RAAS ermöglicht eine Schadensvermeidung. Zur Begrenzung oder Behebung bereits eingetretener Schäden eignen sich bei spike-bedingter Symptomatik RAAS-Hemmer oder rekombinantes ACE2 bzw. ACE2-Aktivatoren. Die Präferenz liegt nach individueller Einschätzung zur Zeit bei ARBs. Ein individualisiertes Vorgehen in Abhängigkeit von Symptomatik, individuellen Gegebenheiten und differenzierter Diagnostik ist unumgänglich. Klinische Studienergebnisse zur Bestätigung und zum Nachweis von Evidenz sind dringend erforderlich.
20.10.2022: Offener Brief an BGM Prof. Dr. Lauterbach
Dieser Brief ist eine Reaktion auf das unverhältnismäßige Aufforderungsschreiben des BGM an alle > 60-jährigen Bürger zur erneuten Impfung. > 60-Jährige sind gem. der mit Bundesmitteln gesponserter Studien seit Anfang 2022 gut geschützt (AK in bis zu 99% der untersuchten Fälle). Andererseits fällt eine Nutzen/Risiko-Einschätzung auf Grund des fehlenden präventiven Nutzens und der unverhältnismäßig hohen, z. T. schweren und tödlich endenden Nebenwirkungen nicht zugunsten der spike-basierten mRNA-Impfstoffe aus. Verhinderung schwerer Infektionsfolgen durch weitere Boosterungen ist ein Trugschluß, weil zur Boosterung ohnehin nur noch die wenig Empfindlichen bzw. Resistenten bereit sind, die nicht zu schweren Verläufen neigen.
Es besteht also kein Grund, >60-Jährige einem weiteren Risiko als den bereits mit zunehmendem Lebensalter wachsenden Risiken auszusetzen.
September 2022: Leserbrief zu Impfreaktionen bei Covid-19-Schutzimpfungen
Anlaß für den Leserbrief waren drei Aspekte der Publikation von Schmiedel L. et al, Ärzteblatt Sachsen 6/2022 S. 14 ff.:
- Korrektur des beschriebenen und praktizierten Nebenwirkungsmeldeverfahrens
- Bewertung von Nebenwirkungen im Vergleich
- zur Kausalität von Nebenwirkungen spike-basierter Covid-19 Impfstoffe.
7.7.2022: SPAS - spike-ausgelöste Störungen
Komprimierte Darstellung der häufigsten organbezogenen Nebenwirkungen nach Applikation spike-basierter Covid-19 Wirk-/Impfstoffe beruhend auf Analysen der WebReports der EudraVigilance und wissenschaftlichen Literatur-Quellen
07.06.2022: Spike-Induced Disturbances (SPAS*): An Analysis of Common Suspected Adverse Experiences Associated With Covid-19 Vaccines
This review/analysis gives a first impression of numerous adverse events related to spike-inducing Covid-19 vaccination, which
have received little attention to date, are often unexplained, but are nevertheless very distressing. Frequently
observed organ-related ADRs after Covid-19 vaccination were such of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system,
gastrointestinal tract, and skin.
The involvement of almost all organs in the side effect spectrum of Covid-19 vaccines demonstrates their systemic
efficacy. As shown by the ADRs occurrence even after numerous days to weeks, the duration of spike production
obviously lasts longer than claimed.
The key role is played by the interaction between the spike subunit S1 and the membrane-bound enzyme ACE2, the
receptor for SARS-CoV. Downregulation of ACE2 by spikes and subsequent activation of RAAS can lead to numerous
clinically relevant disorders, such as vasoconstriction, tissue ischemia, induction of proliferative processes,
increased oxidative stress, inflammation, or coagulation disorders, as previously shown for cardiovascular
reactions. It is proposed to use the collective term “SPAS” (in German: Spike ausgelöste Störungen) – spike
induced disturbances for side effects based on this mode of action.
The common mode of action and only slightly different frequencies of adverse events and fatal outcomes do not
indicate any principal differences in adverse event profiles of the individual spike-based Covid-19 vaccines. A
class-specific side effect profile can be assumed.
Knowledge and awareness of the comprehensive adverse event profile of the novel Covid-19 vaccines and their
potential dangerousness may improve vaccine safety.